Your FAQs Answered

Have questions? So did I! I had a boat load of questions pretty much at every stage of my career. How does the Board website work? How should I find an LPC-S? How much does everyone else make? When is it time to open up a private practice? While I don’t have all...

Make 6 Figures as a Counselor

There’s this terrible misconception that counselors only make money in private practice when there is a client sitting across from them. There’s a saying that if there’s no butt in the seat, there’s no money in the wallet. Same goes for your full-time job- you’re not...

Where to Find a Supervisor

Congrats! If you’re reading this, chances are you are about to start searching for a licensed supervisor or are already on the hunt. Remember in grad school when they say “After graduation, be sure to find a site and a supervisor” and it seemed so simple? Turns out,...