
Congrats!!! You’re one step closer to those extra letters on the back of your name. You’ve put in the hours and you’ve earned your title of licensed professional associate. Perhaps you’ve decided to go for your PhD or maybe focus on full licensure- either way, the experience you receive now is incredibly important. This page will help navigate you to receive accurate and helpful information as you gain direct hours towards full licensure. Feel free to email the counselor’s mentor with questions!


Click here for some easy reads on how to navigate your internship, how to find a supervisor, what questions to ask, how to find a site that pays, and how to network now.


Sarah is an LPC-S who offers options for group, individual and triadic supervision. Supervisees are selected on a first come, first serve basis. Sarah only hosts up to 10 associates at one time.


Here is a simple checklist on what to do if you’re considering LPC associate licensure. A step by step list of what you need to do to receive your LPC-associate license.

Launch Your Private Practice

I understand! I’ve been there too. And as a result, I created a unique program to Start and Launch Your own Private Practice. CLICK HERE for more info on how to start your own private practice.



11707 Orsinger Lane San Antonio, TX 78230

(210) 625-7949

Connect with me on Linkedin- this is the best way to see what I'm up to 🙂